09 Oct Sharp Electronics Integrated Campaign
Sharp Electronics Integrated Campaign + Collateral Rebranding...
Sharp Electronics Integrated Campaign + Collateral Rebranding...
Mercedes-Benz Technician Recruitment Website...
Mercedes-Benz CLA / S-Class Product Launch Campaign...
We were asked to design an in-store display to explain the results of an independent study about after-market car parts versus Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts. The Result. Mercedes-Benz This is Why Campaign. We made the display 2-sided. One side showed a young girl in the backseat of a...
Samsung Core Messaging and B2C Ad Design. Also included in this section are banner ads that were created for the Curved UHD TV campaign....
Sharp Digital Ecosystem...
Create a framework for all visual and verbal expressions of the Career Development Academy brand ....
Total Defense Branding + Integrated Campaign...
Samsung Collateral Rebranding...
Mercedes-Benz Leadership Academy Branding....