Design Portfolio of Joseph Agresta | Xfinity Innovation Thinktank
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Xfinity Innovation Thinktank

Branding, Strategy
About This Project

Six Colorado luminaries, four glass walls, three hours, one mission; frame a meaningful dialogue around the future of innovation in Colorado.

The Ask was to develop “manifesto” for the future of innovation in Colorado.

The Solution was a guided discussion that began with a set of 20 minute challenges to move the conversation from a macro view, exploring critical uncertainties, to a more focused future state visualization exercise.

Results. By combining the practices of foresight and future state planning in a rapid development model, this unique collaboration helped deliver meaningful impact in just a few hours that otherwise might have taken months to produce.

A public-private partnership housed in the Colorado Office of Economic Development, COIN is a catalyst for economic prosperity through innovation, by partnering with government, business and civil society to foster collaboration around talent, capital, ideas and the entrepreneurial spirit. COIN’s hosts an annual Summit to bring together innovation leaders from around the world who think differently and support a creative culture that enhances and promotes innovation.